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Zenxeon’s team of professionals is ready to help you take your business to the next level. Contact us today to get started.

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Frequently asked questions

Managed IT services involve delegating the management and maintenance of your business’s IT infrastructure to a professional MSP (managed service provider), such as Zenxeon Technologies. This approach allows you to concentrate on the core operations of your business, while ensuring that your IT environment is secure, up-to-date, and running efficiently.

We offer a comprehensive range of managed IT services, including hardware integrations, network security, firewall management, email and SaaS security, LTE connectivity, IT equipment procurement & installation, and more. Our managed IT solutions are carefully tailored to meet the needs of our clients, and are designed to be fully scalable.

In order to secure your data and IT infrastructure, we utilize extensive, multi-layered security solutions, including firewalls and advanced email security services. This allows us to protect against a variety of cyber threats such as ransomware, zero-day attacks, phishing, and business email compromise (BEC). Our proactive approach ensures that your data and systems are always highly-safeguarded.

Yes, we specialize in providing full-service, managed IT solutions for franchises and businesses with multiple locations. We have extensive experience working with leading brands such as European Wax Center and GameDay Men’s Health on a nationwide basis, delivering consistent and reliable IT support across all locations.

With more than 15 years of experience in the industry, and a strong focus on franchised brands, we’re experts in providing highly-customized, scalable IT solutions with a heavy emphasis on security and efficiency. Our nationwide presence and extensive expertise in the wellness and healthcare industries have made us a trusted partner for many.

Getting started is easy! Contact us through our website or give us a call at (916) 312-3220. Our expert team will carefully assess your business’s current IT infrastructure and discuss your specific needs to develop a comprehensive managed services package tailored to your business.