Cloud solutions

Scalable, managed cloud solutions designed to allow your business to leverage the full potential of Microsoft 365.

As a business

are you experiencing…

Issues managing or securing your Microsoft 365 cloud service platform? Our managed Microsoft 365 services offer comprehensive support, ensuring seamless management and advanced protection for your entire Microsoft 365 infrastructure.

360 Degree management Services

Our team of experts will manage everything from the procurement and installation of your Microsoft 365 licenses, to proactive monitoring, support, reporting, data back-ups, and user management.

Proactive Monitoring and Back-Ups

Zenxeon continuously monitors your Microsoft 365 cloud service platform for suspicious activity, and takes daily back-ups to protect your business from outages, attacks, and data loss.

how we can help

ENSURE BUSINESS CONTINUITY WITH Managed Microsoft 365 Cloud Services

Our managed Microsoft 365 cloud services alleviate the strain on your internal IT team and allow you to enjoy peace of mind through constant, proactive monitoring and automated back-ups. We handle all aspects, from managing your Microsoft 365 licenses and installations to safeguarding sensitive data against outages and malicious attacks, enabling your business to maximize the potential of Microsoft 365.

  • Full Licensing Management
  • Proactive Security Monitoring and Reporting
  • Extensive Remote and Onsite support
  • Increased Efficiency and Collaboration

Talk to a team member today to get started.

Managed Microsoft 365 Services for Your Modern Business

We provide real-time threat monitoring, advanced reporting, and automated back-ups to ensure your Microsoft 365 data is always protected against outages, data loss, and attacks.
We standardize our Microsoft 365 services across all your business locations, ensuring seamless integration, improved efficiency, and simplified data management.
Our managed Microsoft 365 cloud solutions offer scalability that grows alongside your business, ensuring your Microsoft 365 infrastructure can easily adapt to business growth, maintain performance, and reduce financial constraints.
We tailor our services to fit your business, and offer fully-managed support for the Microsoft 365 Business or Enterprise solution that best supports the needs of your business.
what we offer

Reach Out To Us Today to Get Started

When you reach out to our team at Zenxeon, you’re taking the first step towards transformative change for your business. Contact us today to explore how we can empower your organization to thrive in the digital age.

Served in over 45 states

Managed IT Solutions – For Any Business

Our adaptable services meet you where you are and take you where you want to go. No matter your business size, our IT solutions are easily scalable, so you won’t have to worry about your business technology keeping up with your business growth. With Zenxeon, we’re with you every step of the way.